Friday, January 16, 2009

Coming soon: Revolutionary Road

We've got a sitter lined up so we can see this tomorrow night, and this being NYC, we're getting our tickets early. As a kid, the only movies I ever remember selling out/having a hard time getting into were Indiana Jones and Star Wars movies. But in NYC, Friday and Saturday nights--sometimes even Thursdays--are brutal. Anything pas 6 p.m. gets sold out FAST. Can't tell you how many times we've lined up a sitter only to find there was no way in hell we were getting in to the movie. Last time, it was fortuitous--we ended up seeing Happy-Go-Lucky instead of Slumdog Millionaire. And I ended up loving HGL. But we really want to see Revolutionary we're planning on being uncharacteristically organized and getting tickets in the a.m. Insane.

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