Saturday, January 24, 2009

Coming soon: The Reader

I know, I know. Late to to the party. I just saw it last night, and I have to say, I really liked it...I love all the ambiguities we're left with in the end. Lots to talk about over a beer at...Chat and Chew, the groovy restaurant, near Union Square, we went to after the movie. More later....but feel free to weigh in in advance!


Anonymous said...

So you didn't agree with most of the critics I've seen, that it sort of "artifies" the very real brutality of one of its characters, making the brutality seem lightweight and the movie offensive? I've avoided it - the main reason I want to see it is to gape at Kate Winslet, and doing so at the cost of minimizing the Nazis would make me feel even guiltier about that motivation than I already do!

Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn said...

Lol. Well, I never read any of the critics before I see movies, so I wasn't aware of that particular criticism. I avoided it, myself, more because I knew it had something to do with the holocaust and wasn't up for the weight of a movie like it's getting to the point where I feel like, how many more movies about that can I see? I know that's terrible, but...

to answer your question...i didn't feel like it artified brutality, at all. it explored the fact that not every facet of those who took part in the wrong side of the holocaust was utter evil, and how do we reckon that? and who, given that most of germany did know what was going on, could really claim innocence?

but all that said, i did not at all feel like kate winslet's character was made particularly sympathetic. the aim, to me, seemed more to get beyond the black and white definitions of good/evil...and much more.

i'm still pondering, as i said...but goodness, no, did not feel the brutality was made lightweight...maybe they said that because they do not show any of the brutality in the movie?

at any rate..don't feel guilty. winslet gives a really good performance, and if you like movies (and winslet), it warrants watching.