Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Year of Movies....

Paul and I have a problem, which is to say that we're interested in everything and we have limited time to learn/do it all. Even less time now that Henry has become part of our lives. So Paul came up with the idea that each year, we should choose just one interest and devote whatever spare time we have to it. That way, we have a shot at avoiding the stop-and-start frustration that so often plagues us ("I was getting so into x and then totally lost track of it...") and, as he says, "start ticking them off."

This was going to be my year to learn French, an interest which wasn't even in my top five until I went to something like four French movies in a row. But we're going to be travelling a bit, so I can't sign up for a class (which, I think, I need), and I seem to be devoting more and more time to this blog. Ergo I decided to switch my 2009 project from French to...movies. My goal: See at least one in the theaters a week, watch at least one on DVD a week, and read/experience everything I can related to movies and the making of them.

Oh yeah, and write about it all.

I'm hoping to check out the film festival scene, too. I looked up a list of them the other day and was blown away by how many there are, and the specificity of some of them--one is devoted to horror movies, for instance, another to films made from stories by H.P. Lovecraft, an American author with a distinct Poe sensibility. I think this is going to be fun.

So, there it is in writing...it's the year of...MOVIES! Ticket, please.....

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